“Beyond …”
Borders are fading away as multi-national companies are becoming bigger and stronger. Communication facilities are turning our world into a single village or even a website on the Internet. Consequently, business styles and work modules are changing rapidly. Yet the basic principles, upon which we laid down our foundations and upon which we grew and expanded to become what we are today, have not changed and will never. Quality first, excellence in service and customer satisfaction. These have been the keywords in our success story for more then five decades. They will remain the driving forces as we continue to develop, expand and create business opportunities.
Achieveing these goals Aljabor will spare no effort to make maximum use of new technologies in every activity, to enhance the efficiency of our staff and their ability to cope with the highest international standards in production and service. Or ultimate aim, however, is to contribute to the development of Qatar in the various commercial and industrial fields we are now involved in.